To assist our clients with the flexibility requirements and execution of their projects, we offer our services on a cost-plus basis.
Qualified Workers & Efficient Methods
To assist our private and public clients with numerous projects, we offer our services in a cost-plus contract.
About Time & Material Work
While some projects are planned according to their due dates and lump sum budgets, we offer a compelling alternative: the payment for services provided at marginal costs, in other words, payment of expenses at cost-plus.
This way, whether it be that the task is too difficult to estimate on a fixed price basis or the task is on the critical path of the project, our specialized crews are always available to lend a helping hand in an efficient and cost-effective way.
Rest assured that our services will be at their pre-quoted unit prices – No surprises! Our reports were designed to detail the exact cost for our services, equipment and materials used, which is according to their market value.
Contact us to discuss partnership opportunities.