Concrete is all around us.  Over time, chemical changes provoked by carbon in ambient air, chloride contamination, freeze and thaw cycles strain concrete structures.  Our experts take the necessary actions in order to quickly rectify the situation to ensure the longevity and security of the structural concrete elements.

Honest & Reliable

Dumoulin & Associates intervenes proactively to provide cost-effective solutions to maintain your concrete structures.


Before taking on a project, an expert evaluation is important in determining the source of the problem, the extent of the damage, and the possible solutions.

One of our senior engineers, a member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec or Professional Engineers Ontario, as the case may be, will perform the evaluation. Different tools and tests may be used to reach a conlusion:

  • Mechanical survey
  • Core drilling
  • Specification tests
  • Determination of chloride ion concentration
  • Carbonation testing
  • Evaluation of the residual strength of the reinforcing steel

Surface preparation

The care taken to prepare the surface is the determining factor for the project’s success. The sections of degraded concrete must be removed down to the undamaged concrete surface, which must then be well cleaned. Then, a bonding agent is applied in preparation for the new concrete.

All proper concrete repair starts with proper surface preparation!

Steel treatment

It is necessary in a proper concrete repair procedure to clean all reinforcing steel from rust or other contaminants. Afterwards an application of a corrosion inhibitor will protect the reinforcing steel from future corrosion. The application of passive or active sacrificial anodes can also be considered to further protect reinforcing steel in the concrete.

The finish

In hopes of exceeding standards and expectations, we pay particular attention to the finish of the repairs made. We are always on the lookout for innovative techniques that would ensure the longevity of the concrete work, whether it be for balconies or parking garages, for example.